03 July 2009

What's in Your Bag?

I've always loved those posts on blogs or in the flickr group where people took pictures of what's inside their purses or bags. So, I figured as my first "official" post, I'd do one!

This is my darling purse. It's soft faux leather and so roomy, and the best part, it was only $6.24 at Target. My brother's girlfriend has the same one in white, but I like my brown one much better.

As you can see, my purse holds A LOT. And it's not even full at all!

In my lovely purse, I have the following things: my silver clutch wallet from Target, one of my two mini-journals from Urban Outfitters, two pens, my Cynthia Rowley glasses case, with my glasses inside, two pairs of sunglasses from Charlotte Russe, my iPod, my env2, earbuds for my iPod, and my keys.

I also have Nexcare bandages, Smith's Rosebud Salve (I swear by it!), Lypsyl beeswax lip balm, my Hello Kitty compact, Daisy by Marc Jacobs solid perfume ring and gold carrying case, Renu contact solution, Bath and Body Works Enchanted Orchid body spray, Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon hand cream, Bath and Body Works Pink Grapefruit hand sanitizer, a Lifesavers mint, Orange Tic Tacs, and Dr. Burts Res-q Ointment.

Hope you enjoyed a look through my bag! Again, comment and give me ideas and suggestions on what to post about! Thanks guys!

Love always,

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