02 July 2009

Welcome Wagon

This is hardly the first blog I've ever had, but it's time to get serious. I have a personal blog, on Xanga, that I've had since the 10th grade. Mind you, I just graduated high school. Plus, it's not that interesting. NEWAYZ. I decided to make this blog as a foray into my wannabe journalism career.

As I mentioned, I just graduated high school. In the fall, I will be attending a university in Philadelphia where I will be majoring in journalism. My dream is to write for Elle, or Vogue, or any reputable fashion magazine or website. I decided what better way to get some experience that having my own fashion/music/film/literature/whatevz blog. I am a follower of a few "fashion blogs" (though they feature many other topics as well) and figured I should start my own. In addition to my love of fashion, I am also passionate about music, whatever genre, and creating it. While I am struggling to learn guitar, I do sing and music is a huge part of my life.

So welcome to Paper Cranes. Paper Cranes is a screen name/email address I've had for a while now, plus I just love paper cranes, so I figured it'd make for a pretty nifty blog name.

I'll be posting more soon and if by some chance, you come across this blog in your travels, send me a comment telling me what you'd like to see or know. It can be anything! Thanks (:

Love always,

PS- Some of the blogs I follow semi-religiously areeee...
Arabelle always has fierce outfit posts and is witty as anything.

Mary is adorable, kind, dedicated and has the most elegant style.

My favorite pre-teen blogger. Amazing. Big things come in small packages and Tavi is no exception.

Gabby always has the cutest baked items and adorable style.

Hazel has the most wonderful taste in music and her suburban tales are akin to my own.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're off to a good start!

    "Gabby always has the cutest baked items and adorable style." I'M BLUSHING!
