27 July 2009

I'm Goin' Out with My Boots On *Cue corny country song*

So, I got my new boots! Actually, I got them like a week ago, but I was just too lazy to post a picture :)

Don't mind my pajamas or the bad lighting, you get the idea.

In other news, my cell phone has died :( This is about the fifth env2 I've had since they came out about a year ago. Hopefully, they'll replace it for free even though it's been over a year since I got the first one, eek.


  1. Anonymous27 July, 2009

    fun boots!

    love your blog, discovered it from the fabulous Hail Mary interview you did. thanks for that, you asked some really insightful questions :)

    would you like to trade links? i'd love to keep reading more

  2. sweet boots, i love them despite the bad lighting haha. i got the link to your blog from Hail Mary's and now I'm a follower :) Would you like to exchange links?

  3. adorrrrable boots. :)

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