31 October 2009


Now off the watch Game 3 of the World Series! Go Phillies!
Happy Halloween, everyone!

Love always,

30 October 2009


I truly apologize at my utter failure at blogging. I'm farrrrr too busy with school, but once I have a spare moment, I'll try to post, guys! I promise! Love you all and Happy Friday!

I'm going for to the Poconos (if anyone knows what that is?) for the weekend!

Love always,

10 October 2009

Coming Soon...I Promise...Hold Me to It...

Admittedly, I haven't been very good at posting. And thought it's a bit late in the game, I'll still be posting my favorite collections from Fashion Week, once I get some free time, which may be soon. So, keep your eyes peeled, friends (see below)! Other future posts shall include really cool drawings/images I found, drawings of mine perhaps, a return to Six Outfits, etc. I'm also going to try writing more about things going on in the world. Oh, to be a college student.

Love always,

PS- Does anyone know how to not have the stupid border around my photos?

What's Been Happening Lately...

Tomorrow my friend Tiff is coming to Philadelphia for the day. We're going to the bookstore, I haven't decided yet between Barnes & Noble and Borders, probably Rittenhouse Square or Love Park.

The water in the fountain at Love Park is pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! It looks amazing.

I don't follow baseball, or really any sports except basketball, but I'm hoping for this again...

Right now, I'm watching Law & Order:SVU. It's been a really uneventful evening, thankfully, though, my roommate went home for the night. I finished my algebra homework for the next two weeks and drew a picture of a teacup. Such an exciting Friday night for a college freshman.

Love always,

06 October 2009

Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop

I am SO HORRIBLE at this blogging thing. Regular posting will reconvene soon, guys, I pinky promise!

I've been using Tumblr lately, but mostly for personal stuff.

Love always,

PS-The weather REALLY has not gotten any less crazy. Le sigh.